The Western Community Assessment Network (WeCAN) is a 6-year, USDA-funded collaboration among Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming rural community and economic development organizations.
We work together to
Understand, evaluate, and improve how community assessments work.
Support non-profit organizations that conduct community assessments.
Facilitate a Peer Learning Network across the three states.
Organize and facilitate virtual Solutions Roundtables on challenging topics common to western rural communities.
Provide ad hoc community teams hands-on project implementation training through an annual Community Bootcamp.
Maintain a searchable resource database geared toward rural leaders, non-profits and agencies in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
Develop user-friendly leadership development tools geared toward rural community leaders and organizations.

Mural on a building wall of a black and white artistic cow skull with colorful flowers on a turquoise background

Programs & Services
Some WeCAN programs are in development. Let us know if you want to stay in the loop on any of our programs!